Planning for an all-electric home | Solar Victoria
Solar Victoria provide an overview of the key ingredients to an all-electric home – a great place to start if you are new to the all-electric journey.
Energy efficiency and reducing emissions | Sustainability Victoria
Sustainability Victoria has an impressive website brimming with ideas on energy efficiency and tips to reduce energy expenses and emissions.
Explainer by Tim Forcey, home energy advisor and founder of My Efficient Electric Home Facebook Group
Draughtproofing, insulation and window treatments are oft-forgotten but all-important aspects of an energy efficient home. Tim Forcey explains that we ought not to settle for poor performing homes, and that we can experience greater comfort while reducing emissions and expenses.
Explainer: How to cut home emissions and power bills by fixing leaks and insulation
Learn more about efficient, electric homes at Renew
New Energy Thinking | Richard Keech
Richard Keech is an engineer, consultant, author specialising in energy efficiency. His website and blog provides a wealth of lived experience and expertise, as does his book, ‘The Energy-Freedom Home’
Australia’s Guide to Environmentally Sustainable Homes | YourHome