Year 1 Performance Report – Fitzroy North Community Battery

The Yarra Energy Foundation is pleased to share the Year 1 Performance Report of the Fitzroy North community battery.
The report is part of YEF’s commitment to sharing knowledge and helping the industry better understand the potential of neighbourhood batteries to help the clean energy transition.
This report includes:
- operations and technical performance
- financial performance
- decarbonisation and community benefit
- lessons learned
The Fitzroy North battery was funded by the Victorian Government’s Neighbourhood Battery Initiative through the Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA, formerly DELWP). It was the first community battery ever to be installed in an inner-urban environment in Victoria.
Reflecting on the year past, we are hugely optimistic about what we are yet to uncover. To access the full performance report of the Fitzroy North Community Battery, click here.