This program is a partnership between Hume City Council and the Yarra Energy Foundation, with Green Home Green Planet as the solar provider.
The Hume Solar Roll-out program facilitates solar installations among residents of the City of Hume by connecting households with a vetted solar provider and providing guidance and support throughout the process. The program is jointly coordinated by Hume City Council (client) and Yarra Energy Foundation (project manager), and is delivered in partnership with the solar provider, Green Home Green Planet (GHGP).
To date, the Hume Solar Roll-out has facilitated the installation of over 250 solar systems, yielding a total renewable energy investment of over $1.8 million, and a renewable energy generation capacity of 1.25MW. This equates to over 1,200 tonnes (CO2e) of annual greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and an estimated annual total of $250,000 in cost savings to residents through a combination of offsetting resident energy consumption and feed-in tariff credits.
The solar program has been extremely effective at breaking down the common barriers that residents often face when considering going solar:
- Lack of knowledge of technology, opportunities, and available subsidies
- Lack of trust in suppliers / not knowing where to start
- The initial financial costs
The main objectives of this program are to:
- Increase the number of Hume households that access the Victorian Solar Homes rebate to install solar systems on their homes
- Provide targeted support and encouragement to Hume households, making it easier for them to install solar under the current program
- Ensure that barriers to participation for low-income households in Hume City are minimised
- Reduce household energy costs
- Indirectly support opportunities for improved thermal comfort levels in homes (and thereby supporting health and well-being) through energy cost savings.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Hume City.
If you are interested in running a similar program within your LGA, please reach out to Lloyd Heathfield with an enquiry –